Concentrated SAC attacks along trade highways during Operation 1027 highlight risk of premature CMEC investment

Update by the Shan Human Rights Foundation

Concentrated SAC attacks along trade highways during Operation 1027 highlight risk of premature CMEC investment

April 11, 2024

The concentration of air and artillery attacks by the SAC military regime along the main trade highways in five townships of northern Shan State during Operation 1027 highlights clearly the risks of proceeding prematurely with investment in the China Myanmar Economic Corridor.

Mapping of SAC airstrikes and shelling attacks in Muse, Kutkhai, Hsenwi, Kunlong and Lashio townships from the start of Operation 1027 on October 27, 2023, until the ceasefire between the SAC and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA) on January 11, 2024, shows that these attacks are concentrated along the Muse-Hsenwi-Lashio highway and the Hsenwi-Chin Shwe Haw highway – the two main trade routes from northern Shan State into China.

The SAC attacks inflicted at least 180 civilian casualties and damaged over 300 buildings in towns and villages along these trade routes in the five townships. Tens of thousands of civilians were displaced, some of whom still do not dare return home for fear that fighting will break out again. The SAC still controls the towns of Lashio and Muse, and remains in active conflict with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which controls a section of the Muse-Hsenwi highway. Civilians in all areas continue to suffer from landmines laid during the recent conflict.

While an agreement was reached between the regime and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) to re-open the Chin Shwe Haw border crossing on March 11, there is no guarantee of security along the highway to Lashio, where fighting broke out between the MNDAA and SAC on March 26. Since the end of March, the SAC has been sending in hundreds of armed reinforcements to Muse and Lashio by helicopter.

Amid the ongoing conflict, it would be extremely risky to proceed with investment to develop the China Myanmar Economic Corridor, in particular the planned Muse-Mandalay high-speed railway, which runs directly through areas of intense SAC bombardment. Yet, according to recent news reports, the SAC regime is moving ahead to seek a loan from China to implement this US$8.9 billion project.

Details of SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting causing civilian casualties/damage in Muse township during Operation 1027

The 3BHA launched attacks on SAC outposts near the border towns of Panghsai and Mong Ko at the outset of Operation 1027. In response, SAC indiscriminately fired artillery shells from the 105 Mile trade zone towards Panghsai, damaging five houses on October 30 (with one shell landing on the Chinese side of the border in Wanding), and killing one civilian on November 1. This failed to prevent the 3BHA from seizing initial control of Panghsai on November 2; SAC troops then tried to reoccupy Panghsai, leading to SAC shelling again into Panghsai, which killed a civilian on November 19, but the 3BHA managed to regain control of Panghsai on the same day.

Meanwhile, the SAC used airstrikes to try and prevent the 3BHA from seizing Mong Ko. An airstrike early in the morning of November 4 killed five civilians, including three young children, in Shinkyaike village, close to Mong Ko town. However, on November 7, the 3BHA managed to seize control of Mong Ko town.

On November 16, the 3BHA began attacking SAC troops based at the 105 Mile trade zone. The SAC  responded with airstrikes and indiscriminate shelling into surrounding villages as well as into Muse town itself.  Between November 19 and December 11, fifteen civilians in this area were killed and eight injured by SAC air and artillery attacks. Two civilians, a man and a woman, were also shot dead on November 28 by SAC troops as they were trying to escape from 105 Mile village by motorbike. Finally, on December 15, the 3BHA were able to drive SAC troops out of their bases at the 105 Mile village, and seize control of this key trade hub on the Muse-Lashio highway..

Even after their 105 Mile bases had been seized, SAC troops continued shelling into the area from their positions in Muse. On December 26, SAC troops in Muse fired shells into 105 Mile village, killing three civilians and injuring five. Civilians also continued to suffer from landmines laid during the conflict, with at least six men and one woman injured by landmines while going to farm or collect firewood around Muse by the end of January 2024.

Civilian casualties and damage from SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting in Muse township

30 Oct–30 Dec 2023

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured Damage to civilian property
1 30.10.2023 Panghsai town SAC fired shells from 105 Mile base     At least 5 houses damaged
2 1.11.2023 Panghsai subtownship Quarter 8 A SAC shell landed on a house 1 male (aged 23) 1 house damaged
3 1.11.2023 Nam Khom village Bunker collapsed and killed two people in hiding 1 female (aged 45) and 1 male (aged 12)
4 4.11.2023 Shinkyaike village, nr. Mong Ko town Killed by SAC airstrike in the morning around 4 am 3 males (2 aged under 10, 1 around 30) 2 females (aged 5 and 30) 2 houses damaged
5 16.11.2023 Mong Ko subtownship, quarter 6 Played with unexploded shell in paddy field while tending cattle and killed around 2 pm 3 males (aged 12, 13 and 14)
6 19.11.2023 Panghsai subtownship Killed by a shell landing on house around 3:30 pm 1 male (aged 21) 1 house damaged
7 20.11.2023 Nam Tao village Killed by SAC  shelling from their base at 105 Mile camp around 2:30 pm 1 female (aged 80)
8 27.11.2023 105 Mile village Killed by SAC airstrike around 4 pm 3 males (aged 7, 10, 18) 1 male (aged 16) and 1 female (aged 38) 1 house and 1 cattle barn
9 28.11.2023 Man Maw village Killed by SAC airstrike around 2 pm 1 female (aged around 30) 1 house damaged
10 28.11.2023 Man Maw village Killed by SAC airstrike around 7 pm 1 female (aged around 30) 1 house damaged
11 28.11.2023 105 Mile village Shot dead by SAC troops while trying to escape by motorbike during fighting 1 male (aged 26)
12 28.11.2023 105 Mile village Shot dead by SAC troops while trying to escape by mortorbike. Died at at Muse hospital 1 female (aged 24)
13 30.11.2023 Ta Long village Killed by SAC shelling around 3 pm 1 male (aged 36)
14 2.12.2023 Nam Khom village Killed by SAC airstrike around 7 pm 1 female (aged 3 months) 1 female (aged 32)
15 2.12.2023 105 Mile village Killed by SAC airstrike 1 male (aged around 20) 10 houses damaged
16 2.12.2023 105 Mile village Killed by SAC airstrike while leaving house, trying to escape from the fighting 1 female (aged around 20)
17 11.12.2023 Ho Na quarter Killed by indiscriminate SAC shooting from helicopter 1 male (aged 54)
18 11.12.2023 105 Mile village Killed by SAC shelling during fighting 1 female (aged 50) 5 people At least 10 houses damaged
19 26.12.2023 105 Mile village SAC troops stationed in the Muse sports ground  indiscriminately shelled around 5 pm 3 people 5 people At least 5 houses damaged
20 30.12.2023 Kawng Mu Long quarter, Muse town Shot by SAC helicopter while leaving her house  around 2 pm 1 female (aged around 40)
TOTAL 29 killed 14 injured At least 38 buildings damaged
Civilian casualties from land mines in Muse township

23 Dec 2023 – 30 Jan 2024

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured
1 23.12.2023 Ho Muen quarter, Muse town Stepped on landmine around 1 pm while going to farm 1 male (aged 45)
2 11.1.2024 Ku Weing quarter, Muse town Stepped on landmine while going to cut firewood 1 female (aged around 40)
3 14.1.2024 Mann Mai village Stepped on landmine while going up a hill 1 male (aged around 42)
4 15.1.2024 Weing Nang village Stepped on landmine near shrine house while going to cut bamboo around 3 pm 1 male (aged 44)
5 16.1.2024 Weing Nang village Hit land mine while cutting grass with a hoe 1 female (aged 45)
6 21.1.2024 Mann Mai village Stepped on landmine while going cut to firewood on hill in the evening 1 male (aged 31)
7 29.1.2024 San Sar village Stepped on landmine while going to cut firewood on hill in the morning around 8 am 1 male (aged 37)
8 30.1.2024 Nawng Mo village Stepped on landmine while returning home from cutting plants around 5 pm 1 male (aged around 50)
TOTAL 8 injured

Details of SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting causing civilian casualties/damage in Kutkhai township during Operation 1027

The 3BHA did not launch attacks in Kutkhai township on October 27, but on that day SAC IB 123 troops at Namphakka indiscriminately shelled into the village, killing two civilians, injuring five others and damaging five houses.

On October 30, 2023, the 3BHA attacked the SAC post at Nam Khai bridge between Kutkhai and Namphakka, but did not launch further attacks against the SAC in Kutkhai till December 20.

In the first week of November, despite there being no fighting in the area, SAC aircraft bombed Kaleng village, Ho Kho village and Namphakka village in Kutkhai township, killing three men and injuring three other civilians. SAC aircraft also bombed the Mong Jee and Tamongngaen tracts in eastern Kutkhai– where the 3BHA was fighting pro-regime militia — causing about 5,000 villagers to flee into the jungle and to nearby churches for shelter.

On November 12, even though there was no fighting in the area, SAC troops at the IB 123 base at Namphakka indiscriminately shelled along the Muse-Hsenwi highway. The shells landed in Maw Hit village killing two villagers.

On November 13, a day after fighting between SAC and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) troops at Takkanai village, 20 kilometers east of Namphakka, SAC launched an airstrike on Takkanai village, injuring one villager and damaging several houses.

Between November 18 and December 10, SAC troops in Kutkhai and Namphakka continued shelling from their bases and launching airstrikes in Kutkhai town and villages along the Hsenwi-Muse highway, killing six civilians and injuring fiteen, including five children staying at a hostel in Namphakka.

SAC troops in Kutkhai town also arbitrarily shot dead two civilians and injured another two who were on the street during December 15-19, 2023.

On December 20, heavy fighting broke out between the SAC troops and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Kutkhai town. Between December 20 and January 3, 2024, due to SAC shelling and airstrikes in Kutkhai town and nearby villages, six civilians were killed and ten injured. On January 7, the TNLA took control of Kutkhai town; on the same day a SAC airstrike on the town damaged 15 houses.

Meanwhile, fighting had broken out between KIA and SAC troops in Namphakka tract on December 29. After nearly a month of fighting, the KIA was able to seize the SAC’s IB 123 base on January 24, 2024, and take control of Namphakka. During the fighting, the SAC launched multiple airstrikes on Namphakka, causing about 2,000 Namphakka residents to flee their homes. Due to the communications blackout by the SAC in the Namphakka area, SHRF has not been able to confirm details of the impacts of the airstrikes in Namphakka, but local sources have reported that about 30 civilians killed and 20 injured, while about 500 houses were damaged, including at least 25 houses burned to ashes.

Civilian casualties and damage from SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting in Kutkhai township

27 Oct 2023 – 7 Jan 2024

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured Damage to civilian property
1 27.10.2023 Namphatka village Shells fired from SAC IB 123 base at 5 am landed in the village 2 females (aged 33 and 7) 3 male and 2 females 5 houses damaged
2 30.10.2023 Namphatka village A shell fired by SAC troops at 5 pm landed in the village, at a betel-selling stall 2 males (aged 18 and 20) and 1 female (aged around 20) 1 stall destroyed
3 1.11.2023 Yi Yan village Shelling from the SAC IB 123 base at 3:35 pm landed on a house in the village 1 female (aged 66) 1 house damaged
4 2.11.2023 Ka Laing village Bombs from SAC aircraft at around 2 pm landed on the village and nearby hill farms 1 female (aged 50) 3 houses damaged


5 5.11.2023 Mann Kad village Shelling from SAC troops stationed near Namphakka petrol pump station 2 females (aged 80 and 39) 1 male (aged 10 months) 1 house damaged
6 6.11.2023 Ho Kho village SAC IB 123 troops based at Namphakka shelled into the village even though there was no fighting. A shell landed on a hill farm at around 1 pm, killing an elderly farmer 1 male (aged 60)
7 12.11.2023 Maw Hit village Injured by SAC troops shelling into the village without any fighting in the area 1 male (aged 35) and 1 female (aged 36)
8 13.11.2023 Takkanai village SAC troops arerial bombing by helicopter in the morning 1 male (aged around 40) 3 houses damaged
9 18.11.2023 Kho Moong village SAC IB  123 troops based at Namphakka shelled into the village at aroung 9 pm even though there was no fighing 1 female (aged 80) 1 house damaged
10 29.11.2023 Tongsim Long village, Ho Nawng village tract SAC troops shelled into the village, hitting a house 1 male (aged 35), 2 females (aged 32 and 7) 1 male (aged 2) 1 house damaged
11 30.11.203 Namphakka, Quarter 1 SAC IB 123 troops based at Namphakka shelled into the village and hit a boarding hostel 4 males (aged 11, 12, 13 and 14) 1 female (aged 12) 2 houses damaged
12 5.12.2023 Tamongngaen sub-township SAC airstrike 1 male (aged around 40) 1 female 5 houses damaged
13 10.12.2023 Middle of Kutkhai town SAC airstrike 1 male (aged 10) 1 male and 2 females 4 houses damaged
14 10.12.2023 Loi Hseng village Shells from SAC troops landed at an IDP camp in a local temple around 10 am 1 male, 1 female
15 10.12.2023 Mann Mao village, Namphakka Shelling from Namphakka-based SAC IB 123 3 males 3 houses damaged
16 15.12.2023 Quarter 2, Kutkhai town SAC troops abitrarily shot dead 2 civilians who were returning home at 9 pm 2 males (aged around 30)
17 19.12.2023 Quarter 2, Kutkhai town SAC troops shot at 2 civilians who were walking on the street 2 males (aged around 25)
18 20.12.2023 Ho Chang village Hit by SAC shell which landed in the village 1 male (aged 55)
19 21.12.2023 Loi Pe Su Si village SAC airstrike 1 male (aged 25) 1 female (aged 24) 4 houses damaged
20 1.1.2024 Huay Khok village SAC airstrike on the village 1 male 4 females 1 house damaged
21 2.1.2024 Ho Nawng village Indiscriminate shelling from SAC troops in Kutkhai town into the village 2 females and 1 male 3 houses damaged
21 2.1.2024 Ho Erd village A woman who had fled the fighting and was hiding in a hill farm was hit by a SAC airstrike at 10 am 1 female
22 2.1.2024 Quarter 5, Kutkhai SAC airstrike 2 males (aged around 50 and 30) 8 houses damaged
23 3.1.2024 Quarter 8 Hit by SAC airstrike around 11 am 2 males (aged 22 and 29) 2 houses damaged
24 7.1.2024 Kutkhai town SAC airstrike 15 houses damaged
TOTAL 23 killed 37 injured Over 63 buildings damaged
Civilian casualties from land mines in Kutkhai township

22-24 Dec 2023

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured
1 10.11.2023 Mann Nawng Ran village, Namphakka tract Triggered tripwire of landmine while going to the local spirit shrine   1 male (aged 36)


22.12.2023 Mann Htan village Stepped on a landmine while looking for firewood   1 male (aged 30)
3 24.12.2023 Pang Say village Stepped on a landmine laid by SAC troops around 5 am near the village entrance   1 male (aged 18)
TOTAL 3 injured

Details of SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting causing civilian casualties/damage in Hsenwi township during Operation 1027

The location of Hsenwi town, at the junction of the two main transport routes to the China border, made it a strategic target for the 3BHA and its PDF allies from the outset of Operation 1027.  Heavy fighting in Hsenwi town on October 27 caused many residents to take shelter in local temples, and SAC troops at the Military Operations Command (MOC) #16 base south of the Namtu river began shelling into the town and nearby villages, including Kawng Hor village where IDPs were taking shelter at Kyaung Kham temple. On October 28 alone, SAC shelling damaged over 50 houses, killing one civilian and injuring two.

Kyaung Kham temple damaged by SAC shel

On October 29, the 3BHA was able to seize control of Hsenwi town, but not of the SAC’s bases south of the town, including the MOC 16 base. The SAC then shelled and used helicopters to shoot into the town and surrounding villages, causing more local residents to flee their homes. That night, shells from the SAC MOC 16 base landed in Khu Weing and Daek Yek villages, south of the town, burning about 20 local houses to ashes.

Meanwhile, the SAC troops had started using about 3,000 IDPs sheltering at Kyaung Kham monastery in Kawng Hor village next to their MOC 16 base as human shields — not allowing the IDPs to go out, checking their smart phones, and blocking humanitarian aid to the IDPs. This was despite the fact that shells fired indiscriminately from the SAC MOC 16 base were landing directly in Kawng Hor village. Between October 28 and 31, three men were killed by SAC shells in Kyaung Kham IDP camp. One of the men died from blood loss because he was unable to access medical treatment after being injured.

From the end of October till the first week of January 2024, SAC troops continued shelling, bombing and indiscriminately shooting into the town and surrounding villages. On January 7, 2024 the 3BHA were able to seize control of all the SAC’s MOC 16 and other bases south of Hsenwi town.

The total number of civilian casualties from SAC attacks in Hsenwi township during Operation 1027 was seventeen killed and twenty-seven injured, with over 165 buildings damaged.

IDPs sheltering at Kyaung Kham temple
Civilian casualties and damage from SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting in Hsenwi township

28 Oct 2023 – 3 Jan 2024

No. Date Village/Quarter Detail Civilians killed Civilians injured Damage to civilian property
1 28.10.2023 Quarter 1, Hsenwi town Hit by shrapnel of SAC shell from their base 2 males (aged 40, and under 10) 6 houses
2 28.10.2023 Kawng Hor village, Kyaung Kham IDP camp Killed by SAC shelling from their base to IDP camp around 8 pm 1 male (aged 60) About 50 houses
3 29.10.2023 Kawng Hor village, Kyaung Kham IDP camp Killed by SAC shelling from their base to IDP camp around 6 pm 1 male (aged 54)
4 29.10.2023 Khu Weing village, and Daek Yek village Hit by SAC shells from their base 20 houses
5 31.10.2023 Kawng Hor village, Kyaung Kham IDPs camp Killed by SAC shelling from their base to IDP camp around 7 pm 1 male (aged 30)
6 1.11.2023 Quarter 3 Killed by shell landing on house while they were having a meal at around 3 pm 2 females (aged 52, 24) 1 house
7 4.11.2023 Mann Kawng village, Namjalap tract Shot at by SAC troops around noon while returning home to fetch clothes 1 male (aged 30) 1 female (aged 36), 1 male (aged 8)
8 4.11.2023 Hsenwi town Airstrikes with 4 helicopters and 2 jet fighters throughout the day At least 50 houses
9 5.11.2023 Quarter 3 Injured by SAC shell while filling his motorbike with fuel 1 male
10 21.11.2023 Namjalap village Killed by SAC shelling during fighting around midday 1 male (aged 33) 10 houses
11 30.11.2023 Nawng Kaw village, Nyaung Kone tract Killed by SAC shell landing on their house while they were sleeping at night 2 males (aged 54 and 28), 1 female (aged 53) 1 male (aged 7), 1 female (aged 2) 1 house damaged
12 4.12.2023 Kyaung Kham IDPs camp Killed by SAC shell landing in IDP camp 1 female (aged 60) 2 females
13 10.12.2023 Quarter 1,


SAC airstrike 1 female (aged 14) 10 houses damaged
14 18.12.2023 Peing Hoong village, Koon Kawk village Killed by SAC airstrike 1 female (aged 14) Temple damaged
15 23.12.2023 Hsenwi town SAC airstrike on the town 3 people 6 people 15 houses damaged
16 2.1.2024 Pang Law village Indiscriminate shelling by SAC 3 males and 1 female 1 house damaged
17 3.1.2024 Kyaung Kham IDP camp in Kawng Hor village Drone bomb landed IDP camp around midday 1 female (aged 16) 8 people
TOTAL 17 killed 27 injured At least 165 buildings damaged


Details of SAC airstrikes causing civilian casualties/damage in Kunlong township during Operation 1027

The 3BHA and PDF allies launched attacks on SAC police posts at Chin Shwe Haw on the Chinese border on October 27, and in the following days attacked SAC military camps in Kunlong township along the Hsenwi-Chin Shwe Haw highway.

On October 31, the 3BHA and allies overran the SAC’s IB 143 base at Karn Mong, about 20 kilometers southwest of Kunlong town, and by November 2, had seized control of the Kunlong-Chin Shwe Haw highway east of the Salween river. On November 6 fierce fighting broke out around the SAC bases near Kunlong town west of the Salween, until on November 9 the 3BHA announced seizure of these bases.

During this time, the SAC launched airstrikes around Kunlong town. On October 30, a SAC bomb landed on Wan Kho village beside the old Kunlong bridge over the Salween River, killing one civilian and damaging his house. The old Kunlong bridge was also damaged by bombing. On October 31, a SAC bomb killed another civilian at Mark Kham village, south of Kunlong town.

China funded the construction of a new Kunlong bridge over the Salween, which was completed in 2023, but the official opening ceremony, scheduled for November 2023, did not take place due to Operation 1027.

Kunlong township

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured Damage to civilian property
1 30.10.2023 Wan Kho village Killed by SAC airstrike at noon 1 male (aged over 30) 1 house damaged
2 31.10.2023 Mark Kham village Killed by SAC airstrike around 8 am in a food stall 1 male (aged 13) 1 food stall damaged
TOTAL 2 killed 2 buildings damaged

Details of SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting causing civilian casualties/damage in Lashio township during Operation 1027

From October 27, 2023, heavy fighting broke out between 3BHA and SAC troops at the main toll gate on the Lashio-Muse highway at Ho Buek, about 10 kilometers north of Lashio town, and along the Lashio-Mong Yaw road east of the town. The fighting spread to villages in the north and east of the town, including Mong Gaed tract, near the Salween River, where several SAC battalions were based. SAC troops launched airstrikes and shelled indiscriminately into villages around the town and in the east of the township.

By the end of November, the 3BHA was able to seize the SAC bases at Mong Gaed and Mong Yaw, and stopped its offensive operations around Lashio town, but the SAC continued shelling and launching airstrikes in the area until early January. From October 27 to January 7, SAC airstrikes and artillery attacks from its Northern Regional Command and other bases in the town, killed eighteen civilians, injured six, and damaged over 40 buildings in villages surrounding Lashio.

SAC troops also randomly shot at civilians out on the street. From November 3 to December 16, 2023, SAC troops shot dead seven civilians who were walking outside or riding motorbikes, one in Nam Pawng village, and six in Lashio town, including a mentally disturbed man searching through trash in Quarter 3.

From the start of Operation 1027 until the ceasefire on January 11, over 20,000 residents of surrounding villages and townships came to take shelter in temples and churches in Lashio town. Most of these IDPs have now returned home, but about 500 still remain.

Civilian casualties and damage from SAC airstrikes, shelling and shooting in Lashio township

27 Oct 2023 – 7 Jan 2024

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured Damage to civilian property
1 27.10.2023 Quarter 5, Lashio town Died from heart attack on hearing heavy gunfire at 10 pm 1 female (aged 68)
2 3.11.2023 Nam Pawng village Shot dead by SAC troops while on the way from Mong Yai to Lashio around 4-5 pm 1 male (aged 26)
3 4.11.2023 Pang Hoong village Killed by SAC shell which landed on their kitchen; the woman killed was the mother of a 2-month-old infant 1 female (aged 38) 1 house damaged
4 9.11.2023 Mann Mawn village Arbitrary SAC shelling at midday even though there was no fighting 2 males (aged around 30) 1 house damaged
5 9.11.2023 Weing Than village, Mong Tang villge tract Killed by SAC shelling around 7 am while cooking in an IDP camp 3 females (aged 12, 40 and 60) 1 temple building and 4 houses
6 14.11.2023 Quarter 5, Lashio town Killed by SAC troops based near No. 6 middle school while riding a motorbike 2 males (around 20-30)
7 15.11.2023 Koon Kaeng village SAC airstrike around 3 pm, dropped a bomb on a farm hut, killing one woman instantly and fatally injuring another woman (who died while receiving medical treatment the next day) 2 females (aged 40 and 50) 1 hut damaged
8 16.11.2023 Quarter 3 Shot dead by SAC troops while he was searching through trash in the street at around 4 pm. He was mentally disturbed. 1 male (aged around 40)
9 18.11.2023 Quarter 1 Shot dead by SAC troops when he went outside his house in the evening 1 male (aged 38)
10 23.11.2023 Mann Phat village Killed by SAC shell shrapnel during fighting around 8 pm 1 male (aged 41)
11 30.11.203 Ho Na village, Nam Pawng tract Killed by SAC shell which landed in a corn farm even though there was no fighting in the area 1 female (aged 27)
12 2.12.2023 Long Tuay village, Mong Yaw SAC airstrike, dropping four 500 pound bombs even though no fighting in the area 2 females 1 female 11 houses damaged
13 12.12.2023 Quarter 4 Abitrarily shot by SAC troops while riding on motorbike on the main road 1 male (aged 40)
14 16.12.2023 Quarter 12 Shot by SAC troops while crossing the A.D. bridge 1 male (aged 44)
15 21.12.2023 Ei Nai village Injured at around 9 am by SAC shell which hit 2 houses even though there was no fighting 2 females (aged around 30), 1 male (aged under 10) 2 houses damaged
16 23.12.2023 Pang Matt village Shot by SAC troops while fleeing from village at around 7 am 1 male (aged 50)
17 29.12.2023 Ei Nai village Hit by SAC shell around 11 am during fighting 1 female (aged 33)
18 5.1.2024 Mark Khee Nu village Shell fired by SAC troops from northeastern command even though there was no fighting at the time 2 houses set on fire
19 7.1.2024 Mong Yaw village SAC airstrike on the village 4 children and 1 woman 20 houses damaged
TOTAL 24 killed 7 injured 43 buildings damaged
Civilian casualties from land mines in Lashio township

6-13 Dec 2023

No. Date Village/Quarter Details Civilians killed Civilians injured
1 6.12.2023 Nam Kyan village Stepped on landmine near SAC LIB 507 base while searching for honey in the forest   1 male (aged 18)
2 13.12.2023 Tawng Nao village Stepped on landmine while going to cut bamboo on a hill   1 male (aged 22)
TOTAL 2 injured


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