Update by the Shan Human Rights Foundation
May 9, 2022
Two youth forced to transport SAC troops killed in roadside ambush in Muse, northern Shan State
Two Shan youth activists forced by SAC troops to transport them in their truck on the Lashio-Muse highway were killed in a roadside ambush by TNLA troops on May 4, 2022.
That day, at about 5 pm, the two youth, Sai Jarm Hla (aged 32) and Sai Hseng Harn (aged 29), were driving a pick-up truck on their way from Kutkhai to Muse, when they were stopped by 15 Burma Army troops from Infantry Division (ID) 99 at Nampaw bridge, about 16 miles from Muse. The troops forced the youth to transport them in the back of their truck.
At about 5.20 pm, as they were approaching Maw Tawng village, Mong Yu tract, their truck was suddenly shelled by TNLA troops positioned on a hill top.
Shrapnel hit Sai Jarm Hla’s chest, leg and hands, while Sai Hseng Harn was hit in his abdomen, head and wrist. Their truck overturned at the side of the road. At least ten Burma Army troops were also killed in the attack.

One of the youth’s friends was driving behind them in another car, and arrived at the scene after the attack. He saw Sai Jarm Hla’s truck overturned by the road, and many SAC soldiers around the wreckage. He stopped his car and tried to get out and see what had happened, but some SAC troops who had arrived in another truck forced him to drive on.
He then drove to the 105 Mile village, where he called a local welfare group to go and pick up his friends and take them to hospital. When the welfare group arrived by car at the site of the attack, the Burma Army troops refused to let them take the bodies. They then went back to Muse town and called more welfare group vehicles to come to the incident site. The bodies were allowed to be taken away at about 7:30 pm. The bodies were kept at Se Oo, Muse township, and were cremated in the afternoon of May 5, 2022.
The deceased youth were both from Kyaukme. Sai Jarm Hla was a leading member of the Tai Youth Network (TYN) and belonged to the secretary team of the Committee for Shan State Unity (CSSU). Sai Hseng Harn assisted with many social welfare activities for his community.
Sai Hor Hseng +66: 94-728-6696 (Shan, English)
Sai San Loi +66: 88 680 4913 (Shan, Burmese)
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